Here you’ll find answers to the most common questions that were asked.
Television Service FAQs
What PhillyNet TV services can I get in my house or apartment?
If your lease is with Campus Apartments, you have our most advanced form of digital TV service. This includes all programming from Dish Network, including optional HD (High Definition), pay per view, foreign language channels, premium channels and other advanced features. You can find an overview of packages and pricing here, or you can contact customer service to discuss the pricing and advanced features of this service.
If you live at 3900 Chestnut Street (Chestnut Hall) or Garden Court Plaza (4701 Pine) then we are unable to provide you with TV service at this time due to contractual and/or physical wiring issues.
If you live at Chestnut Arms (4039 Chestnut), then you have different options (see below)
I live at Chestnut Arms how is my cable different?
There is a digital cable option in this building rather than Dish Network Satellite TV. Please contact customer service for full details.
What channels can I get on PhillyNet cable?
In most properties, you can get all available programming from Dish Network, including foreign language channels, HDTV, Pay-per-view and so on. Details of the channels and programming available can be found here.
Can I use a TiVO on PhillyNet cable?
Yes, PhillyNet’s cable line up is published for TiVO under ‘phillynet’, so your TiVO will understand the channel line up perfectly.
Do I need a cable box for PhillyNet cable?
For Dish Network, yes you do. The DBS receiver is part of your monthly access charge and is provided by us. In some properties, the receiver and some programming is provided as an amenity by the property owner.
How can I find out what’s on TV?
Press the ‘Guide’ button on your Dish Network remote control to use the online programming guide on Dish Network.
Internet Service FAQs
Is this Internet Wireless?
No. PhillyNet provides only an Ethernet connection. You are able to purchase your own wireless router and install it to your specifications. PhillyNet is able to schedule a technician to assist with your router setup.
Can I share my Internet connection with others living in the house?
Yes - the internet connection will be active in all PhillyNet jacks in your house or apartment without any additional cost.
I’ve heard that PhillyNet service is ‘always on’ - what does this mean, exactly?
With PhillyNet Internet Access your port is always live.
What do I need to have on my computer to use PhillyNet Internet connections?
You need a computer with an Ethernet NIC and the necessary software that you will need to browse the web (such as Internet Explorer, Chrome, or Firefox). We will install everything else. If in doubt, please ask.
Can I run a server*?
You should not run a public Internet server unless you have a commercial subscription, which provides you with the necessary tier of use. Please refer to the Acceptable use policy.
*Available in certain locations.
Billing and Terms & Conditions FAQs
I’m moving and I need to cancel my services. What do I do?
If you’re leaving or terminating services for any reason, you will need to contact us by phone or send us an email. If you have any equipment on rental or loan from us (such as Dish Network receivers) you need to return this equipment to us before leaving.
How do I sign up for PhillyNet services?
You can sign up via the web or over the phone. Click here for details.
Do I get one bill, or separate bills for each service?
You get one, integrated bill for all PhillyNet services.
When do I get a bill?
We issue and mail bills by US Mail to your billing address in the first week of every month. Bills are always due by the 20th of that month. We can always email you a copy of your bill. If you have not received your bill by the 15th of the month, please contact us for a replacement.
When do you charge late fees?
We charge late fees at 5% or $5.00 (whichever is the greater) on any unpaid balance at the due date. In practice, we usually leave it a few days for the mail to catch up, but we always charge late fees after the 1st of the following month.
Can I pay by credit card?
We take major credit cards online by signing in on the front page or over the phone. We can also set up a regular payment from your credit card so that you don’t have to remember every month.